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Happy Summer!  I hope you all enjoyed the glorious Summer Solstice we had this week.  The weather was perfect and I had an awesome day sharing it with my kiddos…which brings me to this blog post.

I had intended on writing about productivity and sharing some Evernote tips.  In fact, I just recently became an Evernote Certified Consultant (Woohoo!!) because I LOVE Evernote and I love sharing it with friends, family & clients! (If you’re interested in downloading Evernote to try for yourself, check out my affiliate link here.  You can try it for free and see if you like it.  You won’t regret it!)  But then yesterday happened.  So instead of adding to your productivity to-do list as planned, I thought I’d share a few tips to help you maximize your fun this summer.

Yesterday was nothing “special” in terms of large bucket list items.  I didn’t spend much money or drive more than a mile away.  It was just a lazy day with my kids in the sand and water.  It was so simple and imperfectly perfect.  And I want more days just. like. that.  And I bet you would too.

You see, I love my kids SO MUCH that I love when we can actually spend quality time together.  Not just the rushing around or have-to’s that happen more than I’d care to admit.  But just plain good old fashion quality time together – swimming, walking, running, playing, reading, laughing…. 

So instead of maximizing my efficiency or working as many hours as I can this summer, I want to maximize my down time with my kids.  I know there are many more days ahead for all that other stuff but now while they are little, I want to watch them play together and join in on the fun too.  Oh, and I want ice cream.  Lots and lots of ice cream.  And this is how I am going to do it…

1.) Mark the days/times on your calendar for family fun time

(Do this now! No really, do this NOW!!)

2.) Organize your entryway for easy comings & goings

Be sure to make your belongings as easy to grab & go as possible.  It should look something like this:

  • Flip flops & crocs are easily accessible to all little and big feet

  • Sunscreen, hats, & swim bags are packed with towels and are within reach

  • All signs of winter have been packed away for the season

3.) Create “Summer Bucket List” and reference & add to often

Add “Summer Bucket List” to your To Do List app of choice. I use Wunderlist but there are many out there to choose from.  As you get close to your scheduled “family fun time” reference your “Summer Bucket List” and plan accordingly.  Your list may look something like this:

  • Grow a garden

  • Attend a carnival

  • Swim at the lake

  • Take a boat trip

  • Go to an adventure park

  • Go swimming at family/friends homes

  • Visit a friend or family member

  • Explore Pleasure Beach

  • Ride the Watch Hill Carousel

  • Go Horseback riding

  • Take hikes

  • Attend a food truck festival

  • Go to the farmer’s market

If you follow these 3 Simple Steps you can’t go wrong in making the most out of your summer with your family.  As long as you get clear on your “Summer Bucket List” and make the time to start checking them off, you are sure to have an awesome summer ahead!  I know I am excited about mine!!  Now I just need to find that carrot cake ice cream again….yum!!!!!!

What’s on your Summer Bucket List?  I’d love to hear about it in a comment below.

Happy Organizing!
